Search Engine Marketing

Imagekraft Agency encourages search engine marketing. This tactic has been traditionally centered around pushing your website toward the top of a search engine or search engines. The most widely used search engine in the United States is Google. Other search engines can include Bing, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo, and Baidu.

Through Pay-Per-Click advertising, an advertiser essentially commits to spending a monthly investment to allow the search engine to automatically place an advertisement higher though the search engine or in key areas where a user will be interacting more. This monthly investment is used up slowly or quickly, depending on how high of a bid an advertiser is wishing to spend on their keywords. This type of advertising is best when the intention is to direct a web user to a specific page to get a specific reaction. For example, an eCommerce company wishes for a potential buyer to navigate to a promotional offer page on their website to obtain a new customer buy-one-get-one (BOGO) sale.

Through Search Engine Optimization (SEO), a webmaster can build and maintain a website featuring search engine friendly content and elements during the construction of a website. A website custom built in code will get the best rankings, especially those built in PHP, the language a search engine is most comfortable parsing. Building out of code could prove costly to most small business owners, so a few other options, such as WordPress exists. Other sites built in web builders are not as SEO-friendly, because they feature code clutter, which basically is additional information that a web crawler has to organize in order to rank your website.

The SEO that occurs after a website is launched is managed by webmaster or a web company to continue supporting the website. Checking the fine detail of HOW your website is supported, should be your first concern. Ask yourself how many strategies are included and does your maintenance agreement have SEO outcomes desired. Many business owners assume that a support agreement contain SEO, when in actuality they are just domain and storage agreements.

Whether you are having SEO completed internally or externally, analytics reports are necessary to help you make business decisions on your website performance. Reports produced show what pages your audiences are visiting when they arrive, where they are clicking, and geographically where they are from. These reports also show additional landing pages from PPC advertising campaigns or QR code promotions from offline media.

If you would like more information about how to best manage a search engine marketing campaign, please contact us with the form below.

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