Website building, management and marketing

WordPress, Weebly, Wix or Customized HTML 5

The Imagekraft Agency includes basic Search Engine Optimization in every web site. This includes a focused key phrase, tagging photos and creating meta descriptions. Imagekraft creates sites using Drag and Drop, WordPress or Customized HTML 5/CSS 3. We provide you more than just basic maintenance that local services provide.

5 page WordPress web site

with content photography services

Simple Two-Page WordPress web site

Imagekraft Web Site Survey

1) What industry do you serve?
Business-to-Consumer (B2C), Business-to-Business (B2B),
Business-to-Business-to-Consumer (B2B2C), Business-to-Education (B2E) Business-to-Government (B2G)

2) What function will your web site serve?
Branding, Lead Generation, Blogging, Promoting, Satisfied Customers, E-Commerce (Shopping)

3) Will you or someone on your staff wish to maintain the web site once built?

4) Will you or someone on your staff require training to maintain your web site?

5) What is your strategy for getting found on Google, Bing and other search engines?

6) Have you been published or covered in a media story that can be found on a search engine or social media?

7) Do you plan on purchasing any Pay Per Click advertising on Google, Bing, Yahoo or Facebook, Instagram? If so what is your budget?

8) Pick number of web pages needed

Imagekraft creates ease for user experience

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